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Dvořák Symphony #9 Op. 95, From the New World / 드보르작 신세계교향곡 (39:30)

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드보르작의 교향곡 9번 ‘신세계로부터’

Dvořák Symphony #9 Op. 95, From the New World

Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904) was a representative Czech composer, and Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95 is the ninth and last symphony composed by Antonín Dvořák. It is also best known by its subtitle From the New World or New World Symphony. It was composed in 1893 while he was visiting the United States, and is Dvořák's most famous symphony and one that is often performed in the modern repertoire. The original title is From the New World, and it consists of four movements.

1st movement: Adagio, Allegro Molto
This movement begins like an overture. The slow introduction (Adagio) creates a profound and mysterious atmosphere, which soon transitions into a lively theme. The main theme is very dynamic and is used repeatedly, heightening the overall energy of the piece.

2nd Movement: Largo
One of the most famous movements, featuring the widely beloved 'Goin' Home' melody. With its slow tempo and lyrical melody, this movement is interpreted as expressing Dvorak's longing for home based on his experiences in America.

3rd Movement: Scherzo, Molto Vivace
This movement is full of lively and cheerful rhythms, and contains rhythms and melodies inspired by Czech folk dance and American Indian music, giving a glimpse into the fusion of two cultures.
4th Movement: Allegro Con Fuoco

A powerful and splendid finale, in which several of the themes from the previous movement reappear and complete the structure of the piece. This movement is the climax of the entire symphony, captivating the audience with its dynamic development and intense energy.

Dvořák Symphony #9 Op. 95, From the New World (39:30)
00:00 1. Adagio, Allegro Molto
09:04 2. Largo
20:33 3. Scherzo Molto Vivace
28:20 4. Allegro Con Fuoco

Czech Philharmonic Orchestra,
direction: Karel Ancerl

Thanks to the creators at for providing the video.

드보르작 교향곡 9번 Op.95, 신세계로부터 "신세계교향곡"

안토닌 드보르자크(Antonín Dvořák, 1841-1904)는 체코의 대표적인 작곡가로, 《교향곡 9번 마단조, 작품 번호 95》은 안토닌 드보르자크가 작곡한 아홉 번째 교향곡이자 마지막 교향곡이다. 신세계로부터 또는 신세계 교향곡이라는 부제로도 가장 많이 알려져 있다. 그가 미국을 방문 중이던 1893년 작곡되었으며, 드보르자크의 가장 유명한 교향곡이면서 현대 레파토리 중에서도 자주 연주되는 곡이다. 원제목은 "신세계로부터"이며, 모두 4악장으로 구성된다.

드보르작 교향곡 9번 Op.95, 신세계로부터 (39:30)
00:00 1. Adagio, Allegro Molto
09:04 2. Largo
20:33 3. Scherzo Molto Vivace
28:20 4. Allegro Con Fuoco

체코 필하모닉 오케스트라,
지휘: 카렐 안셀

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