Here they are later then intended!
Auditions for IroKo Pro's next branch off, IKP48.
Like the name suggests, IKP48 will cover songs from the popular Japan idol group AKB48.
IKP48 will cover stage songs, Singles and songs from mini-units all under the AKB48 name.
We are looking for four to six girls to join us in covering/Karaoking AKB48.
We have put these auditions off a long time due to the craziness of the other branches and such, so we plan on just holding these auditions for a few weeks.
(Don't message us asking when auditions close because we aren't sure really.)
To audition you have too:
----1. Fill out the following form!
1. Name
2. Age
3. YT Account
4. Favorite AKB Artists/Groups/Songs:
----2. Post a video response to this video that is at leas 1:00. It can ONLY be a solo cover and it has to be a japanese song.
So yeah, thats pretty much it!
Have fun and we wish you luck!
IKP's main branch (IroKokoro Project) is hosting Generation 4 auditions now. Yes you are allowed to audition for both AND make both. If you wan't to audition for both, Don't miss out on either audition because you feel that you will just make one. You never know (:
Songs used for this video that we DO NOT own:
MARIA - Team K (AKB48)
Kiss no Ryuusei (キスの流星) - No Tears/No3b (AKB48)
Opening Art by: TomokyoHamasaki
Disclaimer: We do not own the songs used in this video or are we affiliated with AKB48. We are fan-dubbers that are here for entertainment purposes only.
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