6月までに感染者数と死者数急増か 米紙が政府の内部資料入手(5月5日 )

FCI News Catch! は毎週 月〜金曜日、アメリカ在住の皆さまにフジテレビの最新ニュースとアメリカで役立つ情報を全米に向けテレビ放送しています!

FCI News Catch!の番組情報:http://www.fujisankei.com/program/
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Twitterページ: https://twitter.com/fci_ny

Check FCI Official Site on: http://www.fujisankei.com/

FCI (Fujisankei Communications International, Inc.) is a NY based Japanese TV company. It is a subsidiary company to Japan's Fuji TV. We produce reports on food, events, trends, fashion, sports and much more that you can find in NY and LA! We also have special interviews with artists from Japan and around the world. Our new videos can be found at www.fujisankei.com so please visit the website!

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