Ninja Resurrection, known in Japan as Makai Tenshō: Jigoku Hen (魔界転生地獄編, trans: Demonic Resurrection: Portrait of Hell) is a two-part original video animation directed by Yasunori Urata.
The OVA series is based on Futaro Yamada's novel Makai Tensho. Although of a similar style, Ninja Resurrection is not a sequel to the anime film Ninja Scroll, despite being marketed as one outside of Japan. It also heavily borrows and adapts elements from Ken Ishikawa's manga adaptation from 1986, and Shouko Toba's manga adaptation from 1997.
Show Synopsis
Ninja Resurrection takes place in the Tokugawa era, at a time when Christians in Japan were being persecuted. The leader of the Shimabara Rebellion, Amakusa Shirō, hoped to resist the government forces attacking Christians like him, but is assassinated.
Soon after, Amakusa's restless spirit returns to avenge his fallen comrades and is up to Yagyū Jūbei Mitsuyoshi to put a stop to the demonic onslaught.
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