
 NHK連続テレビ小説「あさが来た」の五代友厚役などで人気沸騰中の俳優、ディーン・フジオカさんが2月18日、東京都内で行われた主演映画「NINJA THE MONSTER」(落合賢監督)の公開記念“逆輸入”舞台あいさつに出席。客席を埋める女性ファンから「キャー!」「ディーン!」などと黄色い声に迎えられたフジオカさんが、客席に向けてさわやかな笑顔で手を振って応えると、会場からはさらに大きな歓声が湧き起こった。



"Audience excited about Dean Fujioka's present! Attractive with bright smile. Stage-greetings event with “re-importing talent” to celebrate premiere of “NINJA THE MONSTER” 1

Actor Dean Fujioka who is well beloved through Godai Tomoatsu's role in NHK's television drama ""Asa ga kita"" attended the stage-greetings event ""re-importing"" him to celebrate the movie “NINJA THE MONSTER” starring him (directed by Ken Ochiai) held in Tokyo on 18th February.

Fujioka was welcomed with loud cheers such as ""yaah"", ""Dean"" by female fans filling up the audience, when he waved his hands back with a smile towards the stage, the cheers became louder from the audience.

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